Welcome Home!
Welcome to the Elgin Seventh-day Adventist Church in Elgin, TX.
We will be opening soon for worship onsite.
We are currently in Stage 1 of the COVID-19 Re-Open Plan.
Please continue to give. You can now give online using "online giving" feature listed above.
Upon advisement by local, state or federal health officials:
- The church will be opening soon. With the following guidelines.
- Vulnerable members are encouraged to remain home to enjoy worship online. (The vulnerable are those of us 65 or older, those with respiratory disorders like asthma or COPD, those with low immune systems, and those with any other illnesses should check with their doctor.)
- We will open for the 11 o'clock Sabbath morning worship service ONLY. No other services, including Sabbath school, will be held at this time.
- We will be deep cleaning and sanitizing before and after the service to assure members and guests proper steps are being taken for our health and safety.
- Practicing social distancing requirements (maintaining a six (6) foot distance from each other) will remain in place in and around church facilities.
- No potlucks or large gatherings for a minimum of eight weeks, more if Covid-19 continues to rise in the community.
- We will be attempting to have our service online. Live feed will begin at 10:50 AM.
Food pantry will have a drive-through option on the 2nd and last Fridays during our staged re-open plan.
Pathfinders and All life groups, meetings, pastoral counseling, regular visitation, shut-in and assisted living ministries and all remote location church activities are cancelled or moved to online platforms and will regain operation during stages 2 and 3 in four to eight weeks.
If you need any of the above services please call pastor's cell phone at (737) 214-1844
No church-sponsored travel for ministries, groups or events.
Non-essential travel for church staff severely limited to emergency situations only.
Please note: Any area events and ministries should follow municipality recommendations such as Bastrop county recommended all gatherings of more than 5 people be canceled and strongly encourages all other gatherings be canceled.